What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?
Would you buy a fancy car? A mega mansion? Expensive clothing and accessories?
When I ask myself this question, I know my answer immediately. I would get on a plane to somewhere I haven’t been and I would travel for as long as I wanted, with no return ticket. I’m not saying I wouldn’t buy a car, a house or some new clothes. It’s just that those things would be way further down on my list. The top of my list would be filled with new destinations, events and experiences I’ve always dreamed of.

Having a dream is great, but does it get any better than actually living your dream?
Sometimes I have to pinch myself because it’s hard to believe I am actually living my dream. And it didn’t even take all the time and money in the world to make it a reality either. It just took proactivity in making the life altering changes, and having initiative to research and follow through with all the steps involved in travelling the world long term.

What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?
Doesn’t it make sense that whatever your answer is to this question, that is what you should be striving to make a part of your everyday life? That is where your happiness lies. You should be working in that field, or surrounding yourself with like minded people, or participating in whatever hobby or activity you have a passion for. You may realize that in fact, you don’t even need all the time and money in the world. Living your dream might be sitting right in front of you for the taking. It was for me, and it didn’t take winning a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot. I made living my dream a priority instead of looking at it as a pipe dream fantasy.

Why is travel for me?
Travel is for me because I have a thirst for attending Oktoberfest in Munich. Travel is for me because I long to walk amongst the ancient pyramids in Egypt. Travel is for me because I have a desire to set foot on Antarctica. Travel is for me because I understand that I learn and grow with each new place visited, each new person met, and each new culture I am immersed in. Travel is for me because it breaks down barriers and crushes prejudices. Travel is for me because although I was born and raised in New York, my home is Planet Earth, and there is far too much left that I’ve yet to discover and explore.

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