After over a year in the making, I gave my two weeks notice to my job today.

It felt like a load was taken off of my shoulders. This is a company that I used to work for during summers in between college and I have been involved with for almost a third of my life. I have worked there full time for the past six and a half years, and my history with the company goes back to over 10 years ago. It is bittersweet, but after a year of keeping the biggest secret of my life, it is time to say goodbye to not only a big chapter in my life, but to many personal and professional relationships I’ve developed over the past decade, as well as goodbye to Midtown Manhattan. Looking ahead, I’m excited to turn the page and see what is in store for me in my upcoming journey and the next chapter of my life.

The thoughts of walking through such a historic and cultured global city like Rome in less than 30 days are starting to come clearer into focus with each item checked off the list. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of getting things done in preparation for our trip, while also kicking back and enjoying the summer with friends and family. We’ve booked our travel insurance, printed out a bunch of passport sized photos for visas and emergencies, purchased some new gear to help us on the road, sold some last minute items on eBay and have situated all of our bank accounts and credit cards. Getting away from the logistics, I’ve gotten to soak in some memorable moments with loved ones such as backyard pool parties, Independence Day, Father’s Day, my father’s 65th birthday, my grandmothers’ 90th and 84th birthdays, found out that my sister is going to have a baby boy in the fall, and tonight is a good friend’s 31st birthday. I’ve had a blast at a few happy hours with colleagues. I’ve had some great times partying with friends both on Long Island and in NYC. And this has all been in just the past month. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun.

The next few days and weeks leading up to July 31st will consist of more “to-do’s” such as finding a place to stay for our time in Sicily, last minute cancellations of U.S. cell phone plans, photocopies of important documents, purchasing some last minute items from Amazon and figuring out how I’m going to fit my life into a roughly 60L pack. I’ll be spending my final weeks dog-sitting for my aunt and uncle, as they take their three sons on a five week summer trip across the USA. There’s just a few weeks left of good times with the people closest to me. There will be the saying of goodbyes for now and the exchanging ways to contact me while on the road. Then after that, I’ll just be worrying about where I’m sleeping the next day and how I’m getting to where I’m going, wherever that might be, whenever that might be. Oh, and where we are going to get our 2nd dose of Hepatitis A Vaccinations while in Europe.

Jennifer Somer
Client Services Coordinator
499 Seventh Avenue, Suite 25 South
New York, NY 10018
phone 212-557-6868 ~ fax: 212-557-6855
Now I’m crying! Tears of happiness 🌎🌏🌍
You did it! I’m so proud. It’s like reading about my own life, just 4 years later (We left for our trip on July 21st, 2013). I am looking forward to following your trip! We have long term plans to get the heck outta NYC again at some point in the not too distant future. ENJOY!
Molly!! I have to say that you and Dan’s decision 4 years ago truly opened my eyes and inspired me…in fact, you might remember that you pushed me to book my trip to Amsterdam back in 2013, even though I was unsure if I had anyone to travel with at the time. I admired your courage back then, and after going through this process and getting ready to leave, and seeing all that is involved, I admire you just as much, if not more today…great to hear from you and I hope all is well! P.S. how are the rabbits?!
I’m so pumped you are doing it. And jealous, obviously. I miss traveling long term so much. It’s also hard in lots of interesting ways, but so so fun and rewarding. I totally remember your Amsterdam trip! Haha. Forcing people to travel seems to be my thing.
Any chance you guys will be in New Zealand in December? Dan and I talked our bosses into giving us thanksgiving through Christmas off. We will be in Japan for a week and then NZ for 3 weeks.
Pippin, my old man, died two years ago. He was old so I wasn’t too heartbroken about it. Luna is good. Still a nut job. Dan and I often joke that she is the reason we are still here. We talk about getting jobs in a foreign country and moving, but we couldn’t take her so we haven’t done it! We are always looking for the next adventure, I guess. Safe travels!
We will be heading to New Zealand, but probably more like March/April time-frame. That’s awesome that you both were able to get some time off! Sorry to hear about Pippin, but I know he lived a good life with you guys. Hopefully we can link up either overseas or when I get back to NY to catch up 🙂
Yes please! Be in touch!
All the very best to a guy who always offers up a smile. Enjoy and keep in touch!
Thanks Annette!
Vito, Thank you for all your help…wish I could toast a beer to you but I am working in Boston….but you are truly “Living the Dream”. I wish you continued success. Safe travels to you and your best friend. Life is all about Family, Friends, and Great Food!
Thanks for the kind words! Who is this by the way, lol??
Have a safe trip lads. Have lots of fun and be sure to call mom once a week. Go with God!
All the best.
Thanks Jim!