My eyes open with the morning sun creeping through the window and the sound of turkey vultures crowing. Before brushing my teeth I walk out to the terraza to get a glimpse of the day and admire the surroundings and calmness of the early morning. Flowers and plants of all shapes and colors. Birds chirping. Fires in the hills in the distance.

After a breakfast of some fresh fruit bought from the local stand, we make the 10-minute walk to the playa, say hello to our go-to surf rental guy, and paddle out. In the morning it’s less crowded, as the hungover backpacker party crowd has no ambition this early. Sure we are kooks ourselves, but the fewer of us out there, the more peaceful it is.
Out in the ocean, there are moments of reflection, both internal and of the sun dancing off the water. Life of hustle and bustle, 9 to 5’s and rush hour commutes feel as foreign as can be. The only public transportation here is a bus on the side of the road with no set timetable. When it comes, it comes. Patience and being present over speed and punctuality. This is the way to live.

Tranquility. Peace. Ease. Go with the flow. This pace definitely feels more natural, the way it should be. No running out the door with a cup of coffee and bagel rushing to catch a train that is delivering you to a place you physically don’t want to be.
Patiently wait for the next wave. Turn, paddle, and ride it as far as it will take you. After the thrill of the ride, you get back out there, sit on your board and look out to the horizon. Waiting and wondering when the next one will come while absorbing the beauty of Sayulita.

It’s difficult to imagine much better ways to start a day. In a world filled with expectations, pressures and stresses, Sayulita is a scene of serenity light years away.
Take a day, a weekend, a month, a season. Go to Sayulita. Start your days in the sea. Life is about many things, and don’t ask me why we find ourselves living life on this planet floating in space. I’m still trying to figure that one out. But at the end of the day, stressing over chasing money, retirement and material possessions is definitely not the reason why we are here. That much I can tell you.

Take a timeout. Take a breath. Explore this rock we call home and all the natural wonders it holds. Don’t lose sight and fall into the trap. There’s more to life. Remember to stop once in a while and ask yourself why we are here. None of us know for sure. But your heart may steer you in certain ways. All you have to do is ask.
⬇Check out our post on Sayulita’s beaches below!⬇
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